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El rodet GW Precision és una part important del laminador al laminador, l'ús d'un parell o un grup de rodets de laminació GW Precision per a laminar acer. Està sotmès principalment a càrregues dinàmiques i estàtiques de rodatge, desgast i canvis de temperatura.

  • GW Precision
  • Luoyang, Xina
  • Estipulació contractual
  • La capacitat anual de la bobina d'acer és de 4000 peces
  • Informació

        GW Precision roller is an important part of the rolling mill in the rolling mill, the use of a pair or a group of GW Precision rolls rolling pressure to roll mill steel. It is mainly subjected to rolling dynamic and static loads, wear and temperature changes.

       Commonly used work roller material of cold rolls are 9Cr, 9Cr2, 9Crv, 8CrMoV, etc.. Cold rolling requires surface quenching and hardness of HS45~105. 

      Hot rolls commonly used materials 55Mn2.55Cr.60CrMnMo.60SiMnMo, etc.. The hot rolls used in the opening of the bad thick plate, section steel and other processing. It is subjected to a strong rolling force, intense loss and thermal fatigue effects, and hot rolls work at high temperatures, and allows the unit workload within the diameter of the wear and tear, so do not require the surface hardness, only requires a high strength, toughness and heat resistance. Hot rolls only use the whole normalized or quenched, surface hardness requirements HB190 ~ 270.

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